The School has well-designed class rooms with the essential teaching aids like audio visual equipment overhead projectors, slide projectors, T. V. and V. C. R for the use of faculty members and students. Our School has totally in line with its reputation takes every upgraded step for providing best and easy to comprehend mode of teaching. The school bases itself on the lecture method, class-room interaction method site seing and the explanation of the concerned topic which is followed by a through discussion in addition to this through various power-points and on line teaching programes. We believe in imparting education through the most modern technology as will viz. computer audio-visual assistance.

The school has distinct and separate science laboratories for practical sessions in labs for accordance with the desired curriculum. Department of Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Home Science, Psychology and Guidance & Counselling Cell equipped with the most modern apparatus. This encourages students to learn through experiments and research.
The laboratories are spacious and offer modern and excellent equipment where our students are encouraged to use their analytical and creative skills through research and experimentation.
Facilities With the changed trends, computer education at the school level has assumed a vital role. The school has a well-equipped computer laboratory for inculcating knowledge on a fast track so that students of this School ultimately become leaders in this field. During the course of your studies at our school you will spend a considerable amount of time in computer labs.
The school provides the necessary latest hardware and software infrastructure to cater to the computing needs of all the students and staff and the training needs of information technology related courses. All the systems are equipped with necessary software and advance configuration. An Internet connection assets the students in their continuous search for knowledge through the World Wide Web.

The School's Library is the backbone of academic activities of the School. One can get his or her desired information on any functional area of management and communication, arts etc., right from fiction to specialized subject encyclopedias. The library is fully classified and catalogued and users can search for information at their own. The library is airy, pleasant and spacious with comfortable furniture providing a tranquil and serene atmosphere, so essential for reading. The library with its wide range of books to meet the demand and taste of every age group, endeavors to develop the reading habits among the students. The library subscribes to large number of new papers, journals, magazines and periodicals thus keeping the students in touch with India and the outside world.

At GCS, we believe that participation in ports is an essential part of the learning process. So we do have a highly engaging outdoor calendar focusing on various sporting activities. Sports encourage teamwork and being part of a team might help your child learn to interact with peers in a positive way.
These Activities include:
Horse Riding
Trained coaches render scientifically aided training in cricket, football etc.
These coaches are on the lookout for promising talent from a very early age, in order to provide a carefully designed short and long term training regimen to bring out the very best in each individual.
An Annual Sports programme has been drawn up in conjunction with other schools to ensure that seasons for the respective sports coincide.

School has its own fleet of buses which play on the routes decided by the school. The routes and pickup points are displayed on the notice board of the school. Parents desirous of availing this facility indicate their willingness in the appropriate column in the admission form. It is the sole responsibility of a parent to escort their ward to and from the fixed bus stops. The bus facility is extended to the parents at their risk and responsibility. The child can be debarred from availing the facility, in case of indiscipline.

The school is very fortunate in having a large complement of instrumental teachers. Vocal Music is taught under the guidance of experts. Children learn to appreciate the various ragas that comprise the rich heritage of Indian Classical Music. Western Music is taught under the guidance of professionals. Student learn to play the electric guitar, bass guitar, synthesizer, drums and also partake in singing activities. Students get an exposure to appreciate every form of dance and in the Western dance classes, they get an opportunity to learn Ballet, Salsa, Jazz, Latino and Hip Hop. Western Dance is often combined with the eastern to create a fusion dance, which enables students to catch a glimpse of every artistic form on a single platform.